Feb 24, 2010

For Those People Who Keep Bugging Me About Pictures

Rock and I enjoyed a day at home.  He had been coughing quite a bit so we got the humidifier out, a little medicine and magic happened overnight.  He slept 7 hours straight and a cough was not to be heard.
He's always entertaining and I have sure loved the one on one time I've had with him.
He's emptied my purse twice and I hope I get home with everything I've brought.
Ryker up close and personal.  So soft and so cute.
He and his mommy will hopefully come home tomorrow. That will make Rock happy.
The next few are me attempting to get a picture of mom and the two boys per Aaron's request.  Some of the subjects just didn't want to help.
So Aaron that is the best I could do.  You would think Rock would know what to do when  a camera is aimed his way.


Grappy Dale said...

Thank you for the pix. I thought that is why you were there, to be our news source. Rock did just what an older brother should do when someone wants to take a family pix. He wants to be the center of attention and this way he is. I bet if you would have gotten him to "pose" holding his chin he woulda complied.

Shannon said...

It's amazing how tiny kids look one minute, then how they magically grow next to a new little sibling! What handsome grandsons you have.

grandmaarlene said...

Don't give up, keep trying we love any pictures we can get. \

The Ascanios said...

I love how he just looks at him like what are you doing here? lol He does look huge compared to Ryker though.

sherry said...

Keep having fun. Two is so much better than one. You are a good Grandma.