Aug 13, 2011

Yorktown/Washington D.C.

After Jamestown we headed to Yorktown - a quartet of tired soldiers.
Some of us took our fatigue to new levels.
As you can tell Yorktown didn't like us too much.
I did learn the uniform trim color tells where the soldier is from, if we could only remember where each color was from.
The girls have a lot of their father in them.
It just doesn't seem right to have a weapon taller than yourself.
They had been getting along so well.

We left the perils of war behind and headed to Washington, D.C., on a new kind of war - traffic and an annoying Garmin who kept taking us far from our intended destination.
Lincoln proved very calming to our nerves and the girls also got a little excited with the cute guard standing nearby.
Enjoying being together!
It looked close enough to walk, but we went to the war memorials instead.
Vietnam War Memorial
It's a more reverent atmosphere here and way too many names.  It sure hits you how much death occurred during this time.

Korean War Memorial
This memorial evoked many emotions, many of those emotions shown on the faces of these statues.
Beautiful water feature at this memorial.
A great statement to start a Veteran's Day lesson.

National Law Enforcement Memorial
This memorial was set more in the city, but worth the effort to get there.
They make it very easy to find names of those you knew or loved ones of those you know.
We did a few etchings and just enjoyed the peace of this memorial.

Washington was a great stop.  We really could have stayed longer, but Philadelphia is calling us.


Nick said...

I thought you said you weren't going to DC?

grandmaarlene said...

That was quite the history lesson. War is not fun.

Tonya C. said...

Ahhh... D.C. is on of my favorite places on earth!

Carrie said...

What a humbling experience!

Shannon said...

I love WA D.C. - there is so much to see! I agree, the memorials have a very reverent feel to them. Did you get to visit any of the Smithsonian?