Aug 23, 2009

Why Go On a Cruise? Reason Number 4

The Fun!!Everyone has their own version of fun. Jim's was to run in front of me as I'm taking a picture. I guess he didn't see the telephoto lens out.For some fun is catching some Sportscenter until the time your wife who made you dress up escorts you to the formal dinner.For others it's a good party, even if you leave without cake - both times!The cake had a weird taste at this party. Party Two - No cake, we were all too full from the surprise cake at dinner.I'm assuming the cake from this party is still sitting on the table of mom and dad's deck.For many fun is teaching the fine points of the macarena.Fun is being able to hold a glacier in your hand.Fun for many is being together learning a new card game that leaves your fingers bleeding because SOME of her sisters have long fingernails.For many fun is giving people who want to take your picture a hard time. Kelsie was very accommodating.Alyssa not so accommodating.Kelsie would also imitate the wild creatures around.For some fun is taking pictures to create visual memories. I brought a new camera with lots of memory. I took this because of the peaceful nature and the beauty of blue.Fun with a camera is making many images of your favorite guy.Fun with my camera also includes finding a great picture of your dad in a group of many and being able to crop to show the handsome fellow.

Fun is a cruise on the Amsterdam!


sherry said...

Fun is reading your blog. Thanks.

Jenni said...

You got some great shots thank you.

Marianne & Clayton said...

Fun is really wanting to go on a cruise because of your posts! I've been loving the "reasons".

Rob said...

Fun is knowing that your oldest daughter gives everyone a hard time and not just her dad.

Anonymous said...

Fun is "holding a glacier in your hand" but telling the guy taking the pix you don't wanna...DE

grandmaarlene said...

Fun is knowing you had a fun time on the cruise, so did I.

Kelli said...

I'm glad Jim's nose was clean when that picture was taken!!! I wonder if the people who got Mom and Dad's room enjoyed the cake?

Tonya C. said...

This is a ball! Do you have any "reasons" left?!!