Mar 16, 2010

Hellos and Goodbyes

Our family picture has made some changes. A new grandson has been added. Sadly, however, we have lost our two furry friends, Sabry and Trouncy. Trouncy came to us when Whitni was about 2 years old. She was a great dog. She died about two years ago near her birthday. Sabry was her granddaughter. She was always one big energetic ball of fur. Until lately. We noticed she would fight to get a breath and was losing weight. I'm not much of an animal person. I'd love to be, but it doesn't come as easily as it does for others, but I will miss them greeting me.
Trouncy would lift her paw when I would walk up the stairs and we would shake hands. Sabry would cry as we would be getting out of the car from an extended trip. It always sounded like she was crying with excitement because we were home.
They were old and I know they were well loved by many. Our kids, Dale and I, and Liz the UPS driver will miss them both.


Whitni said...

They really were the best dogs. I miss them.

sherry said...

I am not an animal lover either but it is very hard to have them gone. Harder than I thought it would be.

Shannon said...

I am sorry... ditto on not being a big animal person, but they do somehow become part of the family.

Grappy Dale said...

I just hope you say this nice of stuff about me when I'm gone.

The Ascanios said...

I'm going to miss not having any dogs greet me at night while I'm walking in.