Mar 21, 2010

52 Fifth Graders in Seattle

Every year for eight years our fifth grade has traveled to Seattle. My favorite moments come from students taking a risk or enjoying something they have never had the opportunity to do.This year's favorite moment involved the Space Needle. We take them up and let them enjoy the view. One young man this year kept asking me what happens if they didn't want to go up. I kept telling him he would enjoy it and all would be well. But, the next time I would see him again he would ask what happens if he didn't go up. I did tell him once, that it would mean someone would have to stay behind and miss the experience because we weren't going to leave him alone. His chaperone was also letting him know she would help him. I was handing out tickets and caught his anxious eye as he walked the ramp to the elevator. After handing out all the tickets I went up. Guess whose excited eyes caught me. This young guy came up to me and said, "It was awesome, Mrs!" We high fived and he went on with his group. That makes all the work worth it.


Whitni said...

Sounds like fun every year you go!

sherry said...

What a great story! So love kids I bet you have a lot of stories like that. You should blog them all. Wish my kids had you for a teacher.

Shannon said...

I love that Manson provides students with this opportunity. I remember the year that Joe went, watching the kids who had never been past Wenatchee before. It made everything new and exciting again.

(Although, I hear you had some excitement you could have done without)

grandmaarlene said...

You have some good experience each year. What patience.

Kelli said...

I think it is so awesome that you do that! We need more teachers like you!

The Ascanios said...

Sounds like fun mom!