Jun 21, 2009

Slipping Through My Fingers

Well she has graduated. Normally a summer job would have been in the works with some downtime. Whitni doesn't get that luxury. It's off to college. Saturday we left after the Saul Gallegos run and headed south to BYU.
Teary-eyed she said goodbye to friends and family. Other than finding a purse in the rest area at Vernita bridge and returning it to Benton City all went well with the trip. Dale drove to the bitter end (3:30 am, yes in the morning) to my parents' house. Whitni and I left a very sleepy Dale at 9:45 am to go to her church. It is always fun to go to a student ward when you are definitely not a student, but I noticed other parents there so I didn't embarrass Whitni too much.

One of my favorite buildings on the BYU campus is new, the Hinckley Building. It is quite impressive as you climb the hill from Provo up to the campus. The campus does bring great memories for me, but boy am I glad I am not starting over AGAIN.
We sneaked in contraband men helpers to haul all the apple boxes with Whitni's stuff into her dorm. They are nicer than I thought they would be with lots of storage.
Here is my little girl all ready to be grown up. I'm sure she is going to do well, it just sometimes feels like you are abandoning them. It's probably going to help me more than her to stay the week with my family. I'll be able to adjust to life without her smile, willing heart and encouraging words. Telephoning, texting and facebooking will be my friends.

Jun 13, 2009


While putting together the senior slide show for Whitni's graduation the picture I had the hardest time getting came from my own daughter. For years I have known which pictures I wanted to include. The problem came in finding the second one. I know in a few years I'll find where I put them so Whitni wouldn't sabotage me like Aaron did. (The saggy diaper with his snow boots would have been great!) The week before graduation I got desperate and started looking through the thousands of negatives we had. Dale and Lindsea added their assistance. It wasn't looking too good, but the second to last group Dale found the picture. By then I had a group of old photos that went with Whitni's picture to Costco. Here are some of the photos that I found fun remembering.
Marissa was a willing participant to my efforts to see what my camera was capable of. The pose was her idea.
Two big hams!
Remember the big storm of 1996? The first time church was canceled. Dale left to shovel off roofs. My kids enjoyed jumping off the garage onto the snow.
During Whitni's big horse and cowgirl stage.

Yellowstone, above during the fires of 1988. Here right above Nick with his own personal style of layering. Cute kids, cute memories.

Jun 10, 2009


I enjoy every year at graduation, at least for the past three years, hugging the graduates. These are my kids. Whitni's class is special to me. They were my first graders, then my fifth graders. Whitni above is hugging her coach, pe instructor and biology teacher. She is retiring this year and the school will definitely miss her.
We have some very dedicated ladies in our school who all year have taken pictures of every sporting, music and now graduation. I don't feel the stress to get that great picture because I know Nancy Miller will be right there. This shows Whitni did indeed graduate. I guess I should have looked in the blue case, though.

The throwing of the caps. You should be able to pick out Whitni, not tall, wearing a brace. All in all the day was great. We got to visit with a lot of friends I hadn't seen in awhile as well as many who we can't get enough of. Many thanks go to all of you who helped Whitni get where she is today. The village spreads far and wide.

Jun 1, 2009

Kids on the Go

Lindsea enjoyed a road trip with boyfriend, Travis Volle from way far away in Florida.
He flew into Spokane where Lindsea anxiously awaited. They drove through Rexburg, outskirts of Yellowstone and down into Utah.

Her cousin, Beckie, and her grandparents all agreed he is a keeper. Can you tell they were having fun?
KC went all the way to Europe on a BritLit tour through BYU-Idaho. He graduated from college and this was his gift. I'm not sure where he is but we were all impressed he convinced all the girls to do the England pose.
KC is posing in his future home. I'm guessing it is some castle somewhere in Europe. Maybe he'll help me in the comment department.
Nottingham Park or Sherwood Forest? Anyway KC is imitating the Robin Hood pose. He had a blast. When Sherry picked him up she couldn't believe a kid could be smiling any bigger. She also was a sport and looked at all 850 pictures. He's coming home soon so I'm excited to add some more.