Feb 8, 2009


How are you in observing the rules of etiquette? Every year the candidates and their escorts meet for a dinner. During the dinner they get to learn proper etiquette. This year a dear sister in the ward, Georgia Duff, (also my organ hero) taught these young men and women.

Here are the ten rules to use for impeccable table manners.

1. Always wait for the blessing before eating.
2. Always wait for the hostess to take the first bite before eating. (Janet just laughed as Whitni and I sat and sat waiting for her to sit and eat at Sunday dinner today.)
3. Place the napkin in your lap. (This always brings to mind the Homecoming dinner I served at a nice house on the lake. When we cleaned up after six youth, five napkins were still perfectly folded on the table. My daughter informed me the used napkin was, alas not hers, but that of one of the young men.)4. Know and use the proper silverware. (These kids were served soup, salad, main dish and dessert.)
5. Never overload your fork.
6. When using your knife, cut only one piece at a time.

7. Do not talk with your mouth full. (The kids were eerily quiet through most of the meal so I know this one was followed. They didn't know they were allowed to talk.)

8. Chew your food quietly with your mouth closed.

9. Eat slowly -- enjoy the meal.

10. Never rest your elbows on the table. (Can you rest the front part of your arms?)

This was a fun night for those of us who sat in the kitchen dishing up the food and enjoying visiting. Whitni called it awkward until they started warming up and talking a bit.

As Georgia says, "Good manners never go out of style!"


The Ascanios said...

haha It was the least likely guy to use the napkin too. It looks nice mom! I do use my napkin all the time now, I was immature back then. ;)

sherry said...

was this at your house. I thought you were out of yw...looks like fun

Grammy Rae said...

This was girls and boys from school. The girls are running to be queen, the boys are their escorts. Yes it is at my house. That was my contribution. Other moms and Janet provided the food.

Shannon said...

Looks like a fun evening... we could use an etiquette lesson at our house! Your table looks beautiful.