Arnold Baker began by announcing to the audience gathered at the Manson Grange Wednesday evening “We are proud to have this year’s recipient of the Kiwanis Citizen of the Year go to a descendent of a founding member, Leo England.” He then started to talk about how this recipient's son said at his senior presentation, "My dad buys and sells drugs." We then knew who the descendent of Leo was.
(I am the narrator)
One winter Dale left with our boys and rode snowmobiles up to Slide Ridge to the TV tower with Don Riggin who lives on the south shore. I received a phone call from my son to see if I could see the fireworks they were setting off in the snow at the top of the mountain. I guess someone else also noticed the fireworks and called the police who went to check. They saw Don's truck and went to his house. Don's wife answered the door. The police officer asked if her husband was up snowmobiling. She replied yes. They told her people had reported seeing emergency flares on the mountain. She innocently told them, "Well yes he is up there with Dale Engand." Then the officers shook their heads and said, "Yeah well that figures," and that was all that was done.
Dale was clearly touched by the award. It's a show of support from the people he has served these past 25 years.
Way to go Dale. We are proud of you.
Congratulations, Dale. You have definitely offered the hand of friendship to our family, making us feel welcome in this community. And thanks for the cheerios!
Congrats to you. We are proud of you.
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