Our night at the first Manson Elementary School auction was a lot of fun. I knew going into it that I would be spending money and I did not disappoint.

This basket was prepared by the students in my fifth grade class. The fleece blanket I sewed together. The fleece blanket was the undoing of my sewing machine. Thankfully, Bonnie was around to help me clean, oil and diagnose the defective part. Fleece and my sewing machine must never meet again.
We enjoyed sharing a table with Doug and Jama and Megan and Travis.
I put my name on a lot of items in the silent auction. I figured I could do a little Christmas shopping. Sadly, only two items became mine. I lost the one I really wanted at the last second. I tried telling the superintendent who was counting down to stop, but he ignored me.
During the live auction Dale had agreed to take a flight for an hour. They gave him the microphone and the standup began.
"I have as many takeoffs as I do landings."
"My license will be coming in the mail really soon."
"I can take two fat people or four skinny people. You decide where you fit in."
The bidding was frantic and ended up at $450. Dale agreed to do two more at that price.
Doug then yells, "If the first group does not come back will the others get a refund?"
Great confidence builder.
Fun night, expensive night.