Nov 11, 2009

Okay, check it:

Blogger is having issues updating my precious blog into my friends' lists on their blogs.  If you want my blog to show up on your updating friend's list, but it isn't, then here is what you need to do:

Copy the following url (url means address thingie) :

 Go to your layout page, then click 'edit' on your friend's list.  Click 'add new' and paste the url (address thingie) into the new blog area.

Click save or whatever the button is you are supposed to push (if you have a friend's list then you've probably done it before and can explain it better than I can).  Save the layout and then check to make sure that it's there!

Final step: Sent Aaron your shirt size for the Reindeer Game t-shirt so that he can get an appropriate quote in time for the shirts to get here by Christmas.  You can send him a blank check in advance, but DeA likes to write numbers on those, so that's not recommended.

Thanks everybody!


Nick said...

this one showed up on mine.

jen said...

It's updating on mine now.

Aaron said...

That is so cool! Somebody must love you a lot to try and fix that for you! He must be the bestest son ever

Grappy Dale said...

Thank you Aaron for all your hard work!! Grammy Rae

Aaron said...

You're welcome, Mom! Of course, by responding like that you are admitting that I am your bestest son...I'm just glad that we've made that official.

Beckie said...

It is showing up on mine too! :)

Grappy Dale said...

What, Aaron??? Looks by the pix Rock is the one giving the directions here. He is sitting on his mighty chair, ruling from on high...The serious look, now that is leadership in the making.

Shannon said...

I am off to try this... thank you! And every picture you post of Rock is cuter than the last; even with a "boo-boo"!