Aug 4, 2010

Cross Country - Day 3 and 4, Orlando

Day 3 was a bit more relaxing than the previous days.  We drove to Cocoa Beach and enjoyed the crowds, heat and sand.  The girls enjoyed the water..
and the sun...
and some just enjoyed getting someone else to enjoy the water.
I sat under an umbrella that my wonderful daughters finagled for me.  Reading in the shade was the relaxation that I relished.
Our afternoon was spent at the outlet mall where my girls thoroughly convinced me to buy more and more swim wear for my next stop on the cross country tour.
Our trip to Florida was so wonderful.  We enjoyed so many experiences, but mostly I just enjoyed being with Lindsea and Travis.  Lindsea has become such a strong lady it makes my heart glad to see how well she is doing.  Thanks to all who are helping with that.
Day 4
Church, some naps, visiting with Travis' sister and mom - loved all the stories!  Then it was time to head to the airport.
All week the girls were lamenting the fact that at home there were thunderstorms galore, but the forecasted storms in Florida did not happen.  Well almost didn't happen.  The storms hit just before we were to fly out, therefore our plane was delayed.
Here is the view from our airport window.  All is shut down waiting for the thunder, lightning and rain to lessen.
Thanks to all for the great vacation!!!


grandmaarlene said...

Glad you enjoyed your trip, now enjoy the next adventure.

Kelli said...

How come there are no pictures of your new swimwear? Looks like you had a ton of fun, you world traveler you!

Shannon said...

That sounds like a perfect vacation - lots of adventure, but still time to relax.