Nov 15, 2009

Auction Time

Our night at the first Manson Elementary School auction was a lot of fun.  I knew going into it that I would be spending money and I did not disappoint. 

This basket was prepared  by the students in my fifth grade class.  The fleece blanket I sewed together.  The fleece blanket was the undoing of my sewing machine.  Thankfully, Bonnie was around to help me clean, oil and diagnose the defective part.  Fleece and my sewing machine must never meet again.

We enjoyed sharing a table with Doug and Jama and Megan and Travis.

I put my name on a lot of items in the silent auction.  I figured I could do a little Christmas shopping.  Sadly, only two items became mine.  I lost the one I really wanted at the last second.  I tried telling the superintendent who was counting down to stop, but he ignored me.

During the live auction Dale had agreed to take a flight for an hour.  They gave him the microphone and the standup began.
"I have as many takeoffs as I do landings."
"My license will be coming in the mail really soon."
"I can take two fat people or four skinny people.  You decide where you fit in."
The bidding was frantic and ended up at $450.  Dale agreed to do two more at that price. 

Doug then yells, "If the first group does not come back will the others get a refund?" 
Great confidence builder.

Fun night, expensive night.

Nov 12, 2009

Quick Question

What part of "Send Aaron your shirt size for the Reindeer Game t-shirt so that he can get an appropriate quote in time for the shirts to get here by Christmas" didn't you understand? Don't make me send my enforcer!!
Oh, and we wanted to check and make sure that the posts are still showing up. Thanks!

Nov 11, 2009

Okay, check it:

Blogger is having issues updating my precious blog into my friends' lists on their blogs.  If you want my blog to show up on your updating friend's list, but it isn't, then here is what you need to do:

Copy the following url (url means address thingie) :

 Go to your layout page, then click 'edit' on your friend's list.  Click 'add new' and paste the url (address thingie) into the new blog area.

Click save or whatever the button is you are supposed to push (if you have a friend's list then you've probably done it before and can explain it better than I can).  Save the layout and then check to make sure that it's there!

Final step: Sent Aaron your shirt size for the Reindeer Game t-shirt so that he can get an appropriate quote in time for the shirts to get here by Christmas.  You can send him a blank check in advance, but DeA likes to write numbers on those, so that's not recommended.

Thanks everybody!

Again only a test - will it or will it not show? Help!!!

Nov 9, 2009

Nov 6, 2009

The Many Faces of A Golden Child

Twenty-seven years ago Dale and I went out with another couple and enjoyed some good Chinese food in Wenatchee. All through the night we were timing contractions. Five hours later a cute little boy was born.In honor of this wonderful son's birthday I present the many faces of KC.I believe we could say this is the contented playful look.This is the goofy look, coming from how many apple stickers Aaron could stick on his face.The tired warrior look, after spending HOURS with a sword down the back of his underwear. Somehow he always had that covering for his swords. The invincible look that lets all around him know he can take you down, especially if you are Shredder.One of my most favorite looks- the loving look. It appears most often and is most appreciated.This is the sweet look that tells everyone I'm a great person. Now can I go play?The scary look - or the sickly beat up look. I guess you could take your pick.The "I've got a massive head of hair and I'm not afraid to use it" look. The look one gets from expelling large of amounts of hot air.

His look of excitement when a meal is ready to be consumed. (Do the jammy pants and Hawaiian shirt remind you of anyone?)
The actor in character look.

The look of accomplishment.
KC, we love you and all the many looks we enjoyed with you over the years. (I love the dimple)You truly are one of a kind, and the kind I'm glad we were honored to help guide through the past twenty-seven years. Have a great birthday.