Mar 8, 2009


I had received a phone call on Saturday inviting Whitni and me to sing with the choir. My voice has been giving me some problems, but I did mention it to Whitni, not really planning on going early Sunday morning to sing.
I woke up Sunday morning at eight, got ready and sat at my organ for a last minute run through of the songs. I was really proud of Whitni who was up and ready to go. She put her stuff for church on the couch and I noticed a large bag of Cheerios. I asked her what those were for. She said to eat on the way to church.
Then I started feeling guilty. I had mentioned choir to her, but I hadn't pursued it. I decided then and there we would head out and get to choir practice. We would be a little late, it was 8:50, but we could at least be there for most of it.
In the car Whitni started telling me about how she woke up at 9:15. I quickly corrected her by saying, "Oh, you mean 8:15. It's not even 9 now." She quickly showed me her phone that said 9:55! I blame this on Dale, who was in Arizona and would have changed all the clocks.
"Mom do you want me to call the church?"
"Yes Whitni."
"Mom, it's okay. You are not going to hell."
Luckily, there is Georgia Duff who bailed me out of this goof and got the organ going. It was a long walk to the front pew while everyone was singing the Sacrament song.


The Ascanios said...

Hahahahahahahaha......You know how hard I laughed on the phone..I love you mommy!

Lindsea said...

I love how Dad still gets the blame even though he wasn't even there :)

Anonymous said...

it was sooooo funny! hahahaha you would have enjoyed it. :)

sherry said...

That is funny. It reminds me of Lacey who set her alarm one hour later and went to bed. Then at 2am her clock reset itself one hour early. She woke up 2 hours earlier. hahaha...happy daylight savings....

Lois Cook Berrett said...

Don't you just love this daylight savings thing? I hate getting up when it is so dark. Oh well, the extra hour of sleep will feel good come fall. I laughed and laughed about your experience. Thanks for sharing.

Shannon said...

So that's what happened! It all worked out seemlessly. And isn't it nice when our daughters comfort us? :)