Jan 2, 2009

Mexico 2008

We went to Mexico, my first trip and Dale's second. We stayed with the family of Maria Gallegos, a good friend we know in Chelan. A better family you could not find. They treated us very well. I don't think my stomach ever felt hungry. One of our favorite treats you can see above that Chayo (Maria) is holding. Frozen strawberries with a sweet cream. It was yummy!

I found sitting in the plaza to be one of the most relaxing events. It was fun to watch the kids run around, adults sitting and visiting. (Snow and cold have been a rude awakening!)
Dale wouldn't want anyone to think he didn't pull his own weight. He's the dishwasher. It is quite the interesting setup. Where the blue is, between Dale and the dish dryer is a very deep sink that holds clean clear water. Dale is washing the dishes, puts the plastic bowl in the big sink and rinses it off. I did help, I took a picture for documentation.

Chayo's dad here is showing how they get the dried corn off the cobs. It was a very interesting process. We ate tortillas the next day from the corn we saw him grate on the old corn cobs.

More to follow.


sherry said...

You are truly getting the best of Mexico. How lucky for you to be able to stay right in their home and have them show you the country. Good for you both.

Kelli said...

Looks like a great adventure! How fun!