Nov 2, 2008

For Sherry- my first of thankful items.

Fifteen years ago I had a dream of a forest. I wanted a cozy view from a back window. Even after the trees I planted were rudely chopped to stubs the dream lived on. (I have forgiven you Aaron.) Today I am so thankful for a view out my big picture window of tall colorful trees and a new pond with a waterfall. They shade the back of the house and provide a barrier from the road and the back orchard. It provides peace.


sherry said...

Do you remember when we went into your forest. I can remember what we were doing but we both had only pajama's on and underwear hanging out. Some man yelled at us. Well now he would never even see us....... I'll be up with my PJ's

Grammy Rae said...

You're welcome to come back anytime. Len now runs that orchard and I'm sure he'd love to see us out there, you know in jammies and all!