Nov 22, 2008

Cider Time

It starts with bins of apples. Goldens, Reds, Grannys, whatever is left over that will not be packed is left to the mercy of eager hands.

Then these eager hands either dump apples gently into the "hopper" or

they are thrown in fast and with excitement as if they are shooting the winning point.

Then the apple guts get squeezed. It's fun to watch the juice drip like a waterfall to the waiting bowl below. A lot of juice never does make it to the bowl as cups are usually put under to catch the drips.

The juice then gets drained to get the big chunks out. It's kind of like the orange juice Whitni asked for today - no pulp.

There are always lots of helpers - usually for the eating and drinking.

Dale bought 75 jugs. There were 5 left. Many brought their own jugs too.

It was taste tested by the most critical experts and was deemed perfect!

Another bright spot to this family and friend bonding time is the homemade donuts from Auntie Alice. She had at least three helpers today very proud of their pastries.


Nick said...

Doug must not have been there, 'cause he never seems to approve the cider that dad makes.

sherry said...

Okay next time I want to be invited. I will also bring an enormous appetite. Yummy

Grammy Rae said...

Anyone is invited to join us. Since we have the cider press stored at the shed weather does not matter. Doug was there and after a few sips said it was good.

Aaron said...

Doug is the only person that can tell you if the ratio was off by one apple. I took it for granted until I bought some at the store here and it was WAY off. To many goldens.