Dec 5, 2008

Life during Thanksgiving was an experience for us. The dishwasher ran nonstop. For us when kids are gone we know it's time to run the dishwasher when you open it and it stinks something awful. We still need to work on meal preparation. For three people here is our leftover spaghetti. More noodles seems to be better than a few. It was very yummy and will insure that I will have plenty for lunches during the next two weeks. Going from 10 people to three is an adjustment, but I wouldn't trade the noise, dirty dishes - especially cups! for anything.


The Ascanios said...

I knew it mom! You'll have us back soon...

sherry said...

Really Rae, the only thing we need at this age is the Grandchildren :) Way to much fun..

Grammy Rae said...

Yes, Sherry, I totally agree, but I have to throw a bone to the other kids so they will bring the grandbabies!

Lindsea said... miss us! Only a few more days mom!