Dec 21, 2008

Christmas Vacation 2008, Page 1

The long awaited trip has come! My hope is to daily log our journey. Since this is my journal if I do it daily we'll have a great scrapbook of the trip. Your choice is to continue reading or turn the channel. Dale, Whitni, Lindsea, KC and I struck out Friday morning EARLY at 5 to get me to Wenatchee to fly out. I had told Dale that I wanted to stay partway down in a hotel. Driving all night is too exhausting. He then got me a plane ticket to get me out of the way so he could drive all night. So I flew all day while they drove it. I got to the hotel, watched some TV, ordered some room service and enjoyed my night. At midnight I got to pick up the little guy. Dale says this is why he got me the plane ticket, so I could have more time with Rock. Right, he ordered it right after me asking not to drive all night. It was fun having the little guy with us. He entertained for a couple of hours and then we crashed.
Dale and the kids rolled up around 4 in the morning. By nine o'clock Dale, KC, and Aaron left to drive 6 or more hours to Las Vegas to watch BYU. I think they're nuts, but boys are interesting creatures. They met up with Nick who was just dropped off in the middle of Vegas by his grandparents. (BYU lost, Nick was way bummed, they decided to spend the night to sleep. Us women folk are happy to have a little breathing time before depressed, frustrated boys come) Yesterday was girl time. We found the condo, but couldn't check in so we took Rock to the park. He didn't have as much fun as we did - 6 hours sleep will do that to a young one. Whitni wanted a picture of her with a palm tree. This was the result.
Then we walked the streets of Solvang. It is a Dutch version of our Bavarian town of Leavenworth. There are a lot of the same shops, but we only visited a small portion. We picked Marissa up at the small Santa Maria airport, took a breath as we listened to all her tales of her trip. When we returned to Solvang we also had the addition of my mom and dad. We're almost all here. The rooms are good, we enjoyed the visiting, and love watching a little guy destroying, crawling, smiling, flirting and walking tentative steps. Till next time....


sherry said...

I am soooo excited you are doing this. I know you will all remember your vaca for a long time. Merry Christmas and I am anxious to see some more.

Lindsea said...

you forgot to mention how i am such an amazing aunt that i would clean off the slide by going down in first.. i deserve a sticker or something for that.